Saturday, April 19, 2008

Google adwords suck

Too many people on google adwords already for MyInternetBusiness!
You've just seen a lot of people promoting MyInternetBusiness and their team or business. It's like walking down the street with many people in it. People trying to tell you what they have to offer or just typing random words just to get your attention. They're trying to buy you in order for you to buy them.
Let's face the obvious, next month there will be more than 50 people promoting MyInternetBusiness on adwords. Month after that, there will be more than 100, and so on.
There are a lot of good teams that are in good business. And you could make money by fallowing their instructions. While others are just plain nut, like they just tell you what to do in order how to make money. Thats dumb marketing.
Anyway, to keep this short, I wanted to tell you before you join any business. Go find a great Mentor first, marketing a new launched business isn't really pretty. Find an experienced one, if you are planning to market.
Until next time, I'll guide you through the facts of MyInternetBusiness. This will be like taking a tour how marketing works on an experienced marketer.

Friday, April 18, 2008

My Website

I have two websites that are currently running.
And I want to talk about being a marketer. I can see now as a online intrepreneur, it is not for everyone. It is for people who are serious about earning money online. Kind of like that show, 8 Mile, he had to go through tough times to get where he is now. But its not exactly like that. I had to read at night and stay awake for 1 whole night just to get some information - ONE TIME.
You see, marketing online can be like any ways. You are the manager and everything in 1 body. There some people that are like,,,company of 1. where they do everything for himself and others. That can be a headache. While others work as a group or a team, where they get some help to get off the ground, easily.
I'm proud to say that I am a member of Turn-Key Marketing Group. I am responsible for my list(you) to get him or her to the point where he or she reaches her or his goal. This group is simple.
1. We brand YOU and YOUR business, which is a must, because you get credibility & everything.
2. You get some personal attention from me, the group, to get you off the ground and market smart, not hard. Like us.
3. With this business, you never have sell, tell, explain, or convince anyone to join your business.
4. We are not MLM (Multi-Level Marketing).
5. We work together, like a flock of geese. Flexible, professional, & share marketing ideas.

Marketing on MyInternetBusiness

Wow, being on a new newly launched business and people joining almost everyday. What can I say? I very much agree with "being in a right place at the right time; and doing something about it" is good with any business.
I am most thankful to my mentor, Damian, who helped me get started on this biz. He's the one who helped me get off the ground and never had to look back. Plus being in a marketing group is essential, because now I see how powerful it is to work with a group.
One thing that bothers me about this business is the construction. They're still working on 25% of the web and content. I want more resources for my business, because as an individual, I want to expand my knowledge.
Plus my first thoughts about online marketing is selling things. But I soon discovered there are more and more things about it. Now I understand how McDonald and other big companies are so successful. They had to start from the beginning, 1 person, and had to keep promoting themselves.
Plus the products in MyInternetBusiness are okay, they have some lots of e-books, physical products, and other stuff. I don't think I could say, but they're definately kind of products that makes marketing freakin awesome.
I wish I could write some more but my preggy cousin needs some help to go to the store.

About Josh

Joshua Alirkar
Who is he? I heard he has a personality almost similar to Jack Black, but he is an eskimo from Alaska. He's not much to the world, but he is very passionate about his dreams and mission in this planet.

He's 20 years old and the timer of the world (the time or moment) seems to go very fast. Yet his, patient for something is running very low on gas. He'll never give up on what he loves the most. To bring peace to his own fears, and it as an on going thing for him until he rests forever.

What does he do?
Currently, he is studying whatever anything to do with Internet Marketing. He wants to know everything about success. He's also kind of a slow learner, and wants to learn things very fast or instantly. But things cram up so fast, he has to take them step-by-step just like everyone else.
He also has no job...He worked only 3 times and left them for no reason, it was just too much work and didn't get enough in return. Yet, he believes there is something out there that brings back in return for how hard he worked for.
Also, he is marketing online to promote himself and to help others in any need.

He was raised closely by his relatives surrounded by cousins, friends, and grandparents. He's been given much support in his weakness as a child. His mother told him one day to first live life, then when you get the hang of it, start a family. However, he is still young and adventurous. His parents, Allen & Mary, soon to be divorced. The parents told their children softly and carefully, making sure they understand years before the separation.
He has 2 younger sisters and 3 younger brothers. One of his brothers were adopted and the other one, is his half brother. And 1 is coming on the way to this planet to market online...Just kidding. Josh can't wait until this new family for the arrival.

Mission & Goals
Before knowing anything about online marketing, he always wanted to be a computer tech just like his dad. He grew up watching his father fixing computers and learned by asking him questions and by carious.
Then one day he was browsing the net and stumbled by an ad, "$250,000 first year potential". He was amazed how much can an average Joe can earn online. From there on, his inner salesman ignited wildly. He started to investigate about this ad...
Few months later, he joined a business network, MyInternetBusiness.

His mission is to give back to his family and his loved ones.
To do this, he had first to help himself by getting into this business. Next, he had to help others to succeed in online marketing. Then finally, only God knows. The only thing he knew is give back to his family and others in need.